Anno 2070 Save File Download
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Anno 1404 has built-in protection to prevent editing of files. For instance, no .rda asset archives can be modified or the game will disable achievements and medals. The save game (.sww) files have similar protection in order to prevent a user from downloading another user's save game and then meeting all the achievements and medals requirements already reached in that save file (such as have 50,000 inhabitants worldwide).
This save file protection is done so that, through the Gateway to the World web portal, players can upload and download save files to admire others' fantastic efforts, but those saves are linked to the original player's profile to prevent others from incorrectly receiving achievements and medals upon loading the save.
This save game protection is all well and good, however, there are certain times when you may legitimately need to edit a save game file in order to allow you to re-enable achievements and medals for that save. This is chiefly necessary in multiplayer games.
Anno 1404 handles multiplayer (MP) saving in a less than desirable way. For each game save, it requires all MP players to have a unique version of that exact save file on their own computers. So in a three player MP game, when any player saves a game called \"OurCoopGame01.sww\", it saves on both other players' computers as well at the same time. Each players' save file contains profile data that links that specific save to their profile, so although all the \"OurCoopGame01.sww\" files appear identical, they are not interchangeable between users without breaking acheivements and medals support.
So a problem arises during a MP game when one player gets disconnected unexpectedly or Anno 1404 experiences a crash-to-desktop (CTD) for one player. When a player drops, Anno immediately autosaves for the remaining players. This would lead you to think you can simply exit to the main menu, create a new MP session, have all players re-join, and then let Anno 1404 automatically download that save to the other players' computers who don't have the save due to dropping out.
This will work, but very unfortunately it will cause all achievements and medals to be disabled for those who downloaded the save. What's worse is the game will not even pop up a warning message about this. This in turn can lead to players continuing to play for hours more before realizing only the players who didn't get disconnected or didn't crash are getting achievements.
Another use would be if you wanted to add a new player to or replace an original player for an existing MP game. Again, you could just have the new player connect to the host and download the save from the host. This works but breaks achievements and medals.
Another less likely situation is if a user decides to create a new Profile for whatever reason. The save games under the old profile won't allow achievements to be accrued under the new profile. So you can edit the save files to overcome this.
Unfortunately, a user could download a very advanced save game and edit it to then allow the player to receive all the achievements and medals rightly earned by the original author. Doing this has not been confirmed to work and won't be discussed.
There is a way to edit save game files to make them display as being created by another user profile. This method is quite simple and only takes about 5 minutes per save once the method is understood.
There are several ways to find said player's ID number. You can open any actual save file (.sww file) that player has created and copy the number from line 106 of their save file. You can also have them go into \"C:\\Users\\YourUserName\\AppData\\Roaming\\Ubisoft\\Anno1404\\Profiles\" directory on their computer, which will show their actual profile number as the file name of their profile. Or you can search for them on Gateway to the World, and once on their webpage you can read the ID number from the URL.
This line indicates the Online Profile name of the player. The actual player name is separated by NUL symbols, which indicate hexadecimal 00 values. Again you need to copy the values from any of the dropped player's saves. However, since this line includes non-ASCII characters, you CANNOT do a simple copy/paste. You must copy/paste the actual Hex values.
Now go back to the game2.xml file from the save file you want to edit. Go to line 107 and select the entire line. Again, make sure you select the COMPLETE line and nothing more! Now go back into Hex view. Now hit Paste or Ctrl-V.
Now go back to RDAExplorer, which should still be open. Now be sure to put your edited game2.xml in a folder ALL BY ITSELF. Now go to Tools->Add folder as root. Find the folder that should ONLY CONTAIN the edited game2.xml. Add it. Now you should have a new game2.xml added as the fourth file listed at the bottom. Now simply do a Save or Save As and save the new .sww file with the default compression settings.
Now you need to send this edited file to the dropped player, assuming you aren't that player. They need to put the save into their save directory and they MUST rename the save file to use the EXACT SAME name that your save file uses.
Now the player with the edited save should be able to go into Anno and pick to host a MP game and when they pick to load a save, the edited save should appear WITHOUT any red exclamation mark and the text at the bottom should NOT say \"Unknown Profile\" but rather their profile name. If so, congratulations. You've successfully hacked the save to allow achievements and medals to work.
Remember that when in multiplayer games, all players must successfully save the game in order for you to resume play at another time with achievements and medals working for all players. Even though Anno has built-in downloading of save files for those players who don't have the save file, achievements and medals will not work using this method.
There are also other things you can do by editing the XML sections of the save file. Most are fairly self explanatory. Changing these settings appears to work just fine but this has only briefly tested.
Then you can play mission of your choice easily in Anno 2070. This is very simply. All you have to do is get Anno 2070 Save File which is very small file roughly 1Mb and even less than that. Then you need to copy the file in Save game location of Anno 2070.
NOTE: Your Anno 2070 Save File Location might be little different depending on your installation path. But you can find these folders in your directory easily. If you are still worried about how to apply Anno 2070 Save file in correct location. Then we also have placed a video tutorial at the bottom.
If you have the latest version of Anno 2070 installed and the problem persists, select it as the default program to be used to manage SWW on your device. The process of associating file formats with default application may differ in details depending on platform, but the basic procedure is very similar.
If you obtained the problematic SWW file from a third party, ask them to supply you with another copy. It is possible that the file has not been properly copied to a data storage and is incomplete and therefore cannot be opened. When downloading the file with SWW extension from the internet an error may occurred resulting in incomplete file. Try downloading the file again.
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When the download of the map pack is finished you need to integrate them in the Anno 2070 files. With the tool \"RDA Explorer\" located in the download section of this page you can include the map pack into the files. IMPORTANT: We recommend to make a backup of the original file \"addon1.rda\" located in the main directory of Anno 2070 in \"maindata\". Use and installation of the map pack is at your own risk! When the download of the map pack is finished you will get a folder named \"MapGen_v4.3\". At first launch the \"RDA Explorer\" and click on \"File\" and \"Open\".In the opened window you need to locate your main directory of your Anno 2070 installation. There you must open the folder \"maindata\", select the included file \"patch8.rda\" and press \"open\". Now click in the \"RDA Explorer\" on \"Tools\" and \"Add folder as root\". Navigate to the downloaded directory, mark the folder \"patch8\" and confirm with \"OK\". The last step is to save your changes under \"File\" and \"Save\". In the new window uncheck \"Compress RDA File\" and confirm with \"OK\". If you use the Add-On, the whole procedure needs to be repeated with the file \"addon1.rda\" with the difference that the folder \"addon1\" must be selected. If you have more questions about the installation or the map packs, you can feel free to contact the creator of the map packs via email: Downloads Map pack v4.3 - by DaLexy Zip-Archive - Mirror #1: Download - \"\" 153554b96e