InterAct Scores A Big W00t With New Book And Site [REPACK]
With the global pandemic, most of students lost their interest in studying since learning seems like impossible but with the help of this formative assessment, it becomes possible. Teachers still manage to deliver the course content via synchronous and asynchronous class. With that, students are still given enough time to understand the course content and perform the given activities. And with the help of innovative technologies, both educators and learners still manage to have interaction through chats, google classroom, zoom, and others about their lessons and their class concerns. Feedbacks are still employed despite of some difficulties in internet connection, but this set up is better than nothing. So, I do agree that formative assessment made learnings accountable and possible in this global pandemic.
Apple offers two separate apps to interact with its wearable: the Apple Watch app and the Fitness app. You can use the Apple Watch app to configure and customize your watch and the Fitness app to gain limited insights into your fitness data.
I used this program in an inclusion setting and in a pull out classroom. In the inclusion setting we used Woot 2-3 times a week for 20-30 min sessions. While some kids worked on this site others would be pulled for small group work with the teacher. I used incentives for completing a book and getting all the stars possible. Kids were motivated to accomplish this. In my resource class of 7 we did a lot of work together as a whole group. Features of the program let you pull from a large bank of questions and project them to a smartboard to work together.
This is a wonderful tool for differentiation in the classroom! I love the concrete manipulative aspect of the site. Kids love the program and enjoy learning through this site, The staff at Woot Math are always ready to help adapt the program through teacher suggestions. They have been wonderful to work with.
I took the data from the usage reports of all the kids at Battlefield Elementary and measured those kids who had completed 40 lessons in Woot Math with those who had not. I looked at the STAR Math scores for 4 classroom that are inclusion classrooms. Students who had done more than 40 lessons scored in the 79th percentile and students who had not scored in the 60th percentile. I was happy with that and it made me feel good about using the product.
As different players competed, theirscores were tabulated with a leaderboard tracking the highest scores.The highest scores achieved between Dec. 9-15 were then eligible towin a trip for two to meet one of the Nike athletes.
The Arcade initially provided a suite of 25 games inserted into theshopping and viewing environment. Standard games elements, such asbadges and leaderboards were employed, in addition to player feedbackfor game improvement and future game design. By allowing visitors topost their scores on Facebook, the arcade also tapped the potential ofengagement through social networks.
Each mood is matched with a specific fragrance and a link to purchasethe fragrance at the A is for Aldo site. The end result is for ALDOto create a branded visual experience for its customers.
However, the 2022 iPad Pros are indispensable if you like to use the second-generation Apple Pencil for your work, which the MacBook Air doesn't support. The 2022 iPad Pros with the M2 processor also unlock Apple's Hover feature with the second generation Apple Pencil, which adds better accuracy and useful new interactions.
Woot is a dead-simple concept that is ripe for social activity, which is why Facebook is already the source of so many referrals. (If you see a cool item on Woot that seems right for a friend, you may be likely to share it promptly because the deals expire so quickly.) But dead-simple sales concepts are also ideal for smartphones, which are less adept at at granular searching and long-tail shopping. If Amazon expands Woot's functionality to appeal to all kinds of different users -- men, women, gamers, athletes, readers, music fans, and so on -- then it can use what it knows from your account to present you with a "custom" 24-hour deal every time you open your Amazon app (or the Amazon mobile site) on your phone.
Xplay began on ZDTV in 1998 as GameSpot TV, where Sessler co-hosted with Fielder for the show's first year, then co-hosted with Botello up through 2002 (the producers of ZDTV originally had plans to air a video-game program when the channel launched called Extended Play that would be hosted by Simon Rex;[1] however, when an agreement was reached with the makers of the newly created GameSpot website, plans for the original show's format were scrapped in favor of a GameSpot-branded program, and Rex was dropped as host).
In the days of GameSpot TV, the show was filmed on a simple ZDTV studio set consisting of faux-brick walls, randomly positioned TV monitors, and functioning Gauntlet Legends and Rival Schools arcade game cabinets. For the occasional special episode, filming would move off-site to another location, such as the Sony Metreon arcade, and numerous game conventions such as the Classic Gaming Expo and E3. Each episode would start off with Game News, where Sessler or Fielder would give a brief overview of top news stories featured on the GameSpot website. Game reviews were run in a segment known as The Grill (games were graded on GameSpot's official 0.1-10.0 system), Spotlight showcased special content such as interviews with industry leaders, and Game Breakers featured strategy guides and hints for recently released games. New episodes would debut on weekend mornings at 10:00 a.m. EST. Botello became Sessler's new co-host on April 29, 2000,[3] and towards the end, the 10-point grading system was changed to a 5-point system.
This violent dynamic has also manifested itself within the interactions between the hosts themselves (like when Morgan Webb continuously struck Adam Sessler with a baseball bat during X-Play's mockumentary on the history of violence in video games).
On November 6, 2006 (to coincide with the show's move to prime time[30]), G4 integrated X-Play's chat feature into the actual broadcast of each new episode. Using an idea similar to their production of Star Trek 2.0, a window covering the bottom half of the screen would pop up during reviews and display messages typed out by G4 users on X-Play's official web site in real-time (with moderation for broadcast standards to avert profanity and other inappropriate responses). The presentation of the X-Play chat function was later redesigned for the show's 2008 reformatting, so that chat messages would display on the left-hand side of the screen during a review.
The interactive chat feature was abandoned in late 2009, in order to take advantage of the increasing popularity of the micro-blogging site Twitter. The show's producers now present X-Play viewers with a question relevant to the day's news/reviews via their official Twitter feed, then display the resulting answers during that night's episode through a scrolling ticker on the bottom portion of the screen.
On November 11, 2005, G4 started offering X-Play segments (reviews, skits, etc.) for free in podcast form via their website and the iTunes Store, giving viewers the opportunity to watch segments on-demand with their computers and portable devices. These podcasts have since become available through other podcatcher software (such as the Zune Marketplace) as well.
On October 22, 2004, TechTV (in association with Peachpit Press) published the book The X-Play Insider's Guide to Gaming: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Video Games From G4techTV's Brutally Honest Experts. Written by Marc Saltzman (along with the X-Play Cast) and weighing in at a hefty 468 pages, the book contains game reviews, cheat codes, and Q&A sessions with the cast and crew. Adam and Morgan even went on a nationwide book-signing tour to help promote their literary endeavor.
Before going to the list, I would like you to note that some of these brands have created a separate Twitter page to handle queries and feedback. Nevertheless, whoever seems to mention their main brand is given an @reply and redirected to that page that handles customer complaints and queries. But if you are a small to mid-sized business, it is advised to keep your Twitter interactions within your brand page, in order to increase the social media authority of that page.
Firefox treat their followers as a part of their online community and show their appreciation by replying to every tweet that mentions them. They face negative comments with a rather calm approach and retain their customers by offering links of sites that might give useful information to solve their problems.
Coca-Cola is one of the world's largest brands with innumerable consumers globally. They have one of the most popular Twitter pages with more than 2 million followers. They would have these followers irrespective of whether they have an interactive brand page. But they still do make a tremendous effort in acknowledging the tweets with brand mentions or brand hashtag campaigns, with prompt and personalized @replies.
Zappos is a top American retailing brand with world-class customer service. And since they have an undisputed reputation for customer service on their site, their Twitter brand page is no exception to it either. They have a lively and interactive 'Tweet and Replies' section on Twitter that will show you just how to handle your customer's tweets with professionalism and ease.
Thanks so much- This post has been very helpful as we probe interactions in Mplus. In the past, we have used to using the Preacher and Curran online tool. Because I was curious, I compared both methods and I found that the estimates for simple slopes were the same with both methods but that they differed in the significance associated with the simple slopes. For instance, Mplus gives different standard errors for the simple slopes than the Preacher and Curran online program. Do you know why this might be? 2b1af7f3a8