Unity Asset ? MapMagic World Generator V1.3 [BETTER]
Click Here - https://bltlly.com/2t2ywF
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GPU Instancer comes with a billboard generator system. A billboard is a simple quad that shows snapshots of the object from different angles depending on the camera viewing angle. GPUI's billboard generator is mainly designed for use with trees so it generates snapshots of view angles around the world y axis. This means that the billboards do not have view perspectives from up or down. For detailed information on GPUI's billboard generator, you can take a look at its section in the Features Page. Bilboards are a great way to increase performance while having vast viewing distances. GPUI adds the generated billboard automatically as the final LOD level (even if the prefab does not have an LOD Group on it). You can also use a custom mesh and material for the billboard if you do not wish to use the billboard that GPUI generates. All the billboard settings here can be edited for each individual prototype.
GPU Instancer comes with a billboard generator system. A GPUI billboard is a simple quad that shows snapshots of the object from different angles depending on the camera viewing angle. GPUI's billboard generator is mainly designed for use with trees so it generates snapshots of view angles around the world y axis. This means that the billboards do not have view perspectives from up or down. 2b1af7f3a8